Sunday, May 2, 2010

Enormous storm drains and more!

Last night I had this crazy dream... I was at a party and I had never really drank before. (I am going to bypass the hilarity of this first sentence because there is so much more to the dream and I felt like I had to properly set the scene… so in this alternate universe I am a straight edge 25 year old who has never drank… let us continue...) The first scene of my dream was me telling a story to some drunk people (also for some reason I am telling a story and people are laying down and resting their heads on my lap, but we will also just bypass this part as well because it's weird.)

So anyways all of a sudden... the cops arrive. Instead of everyone running out the back door or staying quiet in the house this became a life of death situation. It became a life or death situation, either we all run for our fucking lives or we are all going to jail, or getting murdered...So I am running down the street and it’s a mad frenzy outside people running left and right and I see a drain thingy (storm drain?) on the side of the road….

Interjection…Here in Colorado I do not know what storm drains look like, I have never really paid attention but in CT I swear my friend got stuck in one when there was a flood. Or else that was a weird dream I once had, or it was a movie...

Anyways the drain cellar things in CT are freaking huge and that’s the kind that I jumped into in my dream.
I peeked out of the inside of the drain as I watched people run around like chickens with their heads cut off screaming (?) this question mark means… why were they screaming???
This bust was so intense it turned into an apocalypse!
Anyways! I am watching this happen for about ten minutes when I hear a voice appear behind me… WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE??? I turn around and apparently there are a bunch of sheets hanging and a homeless man lives within them and is angry with me that I am hiding out in his home.

How I missed this whole underground palace of white sheets with a crazy, angry homeless man is beyond me but I did and so now I’m stuck in this dungy old drain cellar with a crazy old man who is angry at me… in my dream this is decidedly more dangerous than the outside apocalypse that is happening so I run outside and ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Radley pukes on my hand. In real life. Not in the dream.

Sometimes I think Radley should be on that show.. Kids do the darndest things… except for puppies. Like… Puppies do the darndest things… then have video of Radley doing the silly things he does like.. puke on my arm, or diarrhea all over the floor in the middle of our puppy kindergarten class.
The the camera will pan up to Brett and I looking at Rad, and then down to him helplessly looking at us as he squats… then the camera pans to all of the people who bring their dogs there to be show dogs…
“eww, our dog doesn’t have uncontrollable diarrhea”
“He’ll never be a show dog”
Good, in fact I don’t want him to be a show dog I just want him to continue being socially awkward. Because he’s good at it and I think it’s his true passion in life (not to walk around and have his balls cupped by a judge (does that even happen???))

1 comment:

Halter said...

I'm going to have to say that the scene where a kid is stuck in a storm drain is from Now and Then.


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